Brand Designer: Logo Illustration and Iconography, Typography, Layout for menus and advertisements. Banner design. Interior Signage- design + craft for easy UI/UX way-finding! Web coding and design- Github. 

*Iconography designed for restroom signage focused on gender-neutrality and welcoming diversity.*
Starla- The Tavern Bunny
This website is one that I began coding in an introductory coding class at PSUGD. DES_341 using GitHub, html, css, and introductory JavaScript:
11x17 Menu
11x8.5 Menu
2-Sided Fold
Hand-Crafted Signs
Acrylic Varnished
Custom Designs and Craft
Sample of the Signage Designs
A series of large Outdoor Banner designs, made to cover the patio latticework, and give a hint at passers-by of what they are missing if they don't go inside. Emphasis on food, patio renovations, sports on big screens, etc. 
Design, Layout, Typography, and Photography:
*This is a mock-up used to pitch the concept and look/feel to the client:
Individual designs after several critiques and edits:

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